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Future Crash Test Rating Could Include Senior Citizen Safety

By August 23, 2021No Comments

In the near future, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s much-valued and anticipated crash test rating system could include a Silver rating that would denote a car’s special safety features for senior citizens.

Los Angeles car accident lawyers believe that this is one of more exciting ideas rolled out by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently. Around the country, there has been an explosion in senior motorist traffic, and senior driver numbers on our roads are only expected to grow over the next decade. In fact, estimates peg the increase in senior motorist at 30% over the next 2 decades. According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, older motorists as well as their passengers are much more likely to sustain fatal injuries in an accident compared to younger drivers

With so many senior motorists on our streets, it is important not only that we tweak road design in order to accommodate more senior drivers with their age-related driving restrictions, but also that we modify crash test rating systems in order to determine which automobiles may be safest for senior citizens.

Seniors may experience a number of age-related weaknesses in their driving abilities that may increase their risk of being involved in an accident. A Silver rating which is being proposed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will denote that the car comes with a number of specific safety features that may protect senior drivers from injuries in an accident.

For instance, inflatable seat belts, or systems that reduce the risk of sudden, unintended acceleration in a car, are technologies that are very specifically suitable for senior citizens.

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