Spurred either by a concern for employee safety, the fear of liability after an accident, or a mix of both, more Fortune 500 companies are implementing workplace policies preventing employees from cell phone use while driving. According to a survey by the National Safety Council, 1 in 5 Fortune 500 companies in the survey admitted that they had a policy that prevented employees from using cell phones while driving. This includes using a cell phone to make a conversation while driving, or send or receive text messages or e-mails at the wheel.
Many employers have dithered on implementing a policy banning cell phone use while driving because of fears that it would impact employee productivity. The survey also debunks this myth. According to the survey, in approximately 40% of the companies that have such policies, there has been no discernible effect on employee productivity. In fact, in some cases, the ban has actually enhanced employee productivity. However, another 50% of the companies have not had their policies long enough to determine whether there has been any impact on employee productivity.
Los Angeles car accident attorneys have added their voices to safety organizations, including the National Safety Council, calling on employers to implement strict anti-distracted driving policies. In order to be successful, these policies should cover employees driving to work, to work-related appointments, or using company-issued cell phones or vehicles.
There are signs that more employers are taking the liability issues that come from cell phone-related accidents involving employees very seriously. Last year, the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety in partnership with the USDOT promoted Drive Safely to Work Week. According to the Network of Employers for Traffic Safety, the campaign was hugely successful, reaching more than 5,000 public and private organizations and representing more than 20 million American employees.