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Undergoing an Independent Medical Exam after a Personal Injury

By October 1, 2021No Comments

Each personal injury case is unique and complicated. Few people know exactly what to expect when they file a lawsuit, but there are certainly a few facets unique to personal injury cases that you should know before getting to court. An independent medical examination could be one of those extra steps you need to endure in order to reach a favorable outcome in your case.

The Purpose of an Independent Medical Exam

The medical examination is typically performed in order to determine how much you have suffered from the injuries. You must show that court the extent of your injuries. Unfortunately, the defense will also request that you undergo a separate exam to ensure that the information is not biased on your behalf.

The independent medical exam ultimately fulfills your legal obligation, which is to demonstrate that you have been injured and that the party you are suing is responsible for said injuries.

The Examination Process

The type of exam the plaintiff asks you to submit to will relate to the compensation you request. If you are claiming physical injuries, the examination will focus on these. If you also have psychological injuries, you may be asked to submit to a psychological evaluation.

The business or individual you are suing has the opportunity to select a doctor. The fees for this appointment are paid by the defendant’s insurance company. You may even have your time compensated.

Once you arrive at the examination, there is little to fear. The exam is much like any other general physical, except that the doctor will focus on the injuries you are claiming in the lawsuit.

Always talk to your lawyer before going in for your independent medical examination. Your lawyer will offer important advice as to what you should say and what you should avoid saying to the doctor.

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