According to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration report, more than 4,600 motorcycle fatalities occurred in 2011. There were also more than 80,000 injuries. The final figures for 2012 have yet to be officially published. However, based on the preliminary data, the final results are apt to be just as depressing. To date, it appears that the year ended with a marked increase in traffic related fatalities and a decrease in motorcycle helmet use.
The reasons for the motorcycle accidents were understandably varied. Although statistics indicate that one of the most common was driving while under the influence. Those types of motorcycle accidents frequently occurred more often in low light and involved other vehicles. Additional reasons associated with motorcycle accidents include speeding, poor visibility, equipment failure, unfavorable road conditions and driver error.
Head injuries were one of the most common injuries among motorcycle drivers. They tend to cost the victim millions in direct and indirect healthcare costs. Of course that isn’t even taking into consideration the injury’s financial and emotional impact on others (i.e. additional drivers, family members, caregivers and property owners). There are also quality of life issues to think about. Additional injuries typically associated with motorcycle accidents include broken bones, limb loss, soft tissue damage, nerve damage and decapitation.
With that said, there are several precautions that motorcycle riders can take to reduce their risk of injury. For instance, it is an excellent idea to wear protective clothing and a helmet. Doing so may minimize the severity of soft tissue damage and brain injuries. It is also imperative to properly maintain one’s motorcycle and follow best riding practices.
Understandably, motorcycle accidents may still occur despite one’s best efforts. In such instances, it is often best to seek the sound advice of an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.