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Boy Killed in Motorcycle Accident

By August 23, 2021No Comments

Edward Schaefer was convicted of murder in the 2nd degree on Thursday for the killing of a child he struck with his motorcycle in a crosswalk in Novato, Calif. Schaefer has eight previous DUI offenses to his record. The jury returned their verdict in less than four hours, saying that his DUI history showed malice.

Schaefer’s driving history leading up to the accident includes the eight DUI charges and convictions, probation for 14 years and assorted judgments such as rehab treatment and license forfeiture. Even with such measures put in place, Schaefer still had access to a motorcycle and rode it through a stop sign, plowing into the Osheroff family, killing one of them and injuring the others.

The Osheroff family expressed gratitude for the verdict of guilty for five felony counts. Aaron Osheroff said that he remembered lying in the street, asking himself when he would wake up, thinking it was a horrifying dream.

Schaefer’s recklessness killed the Osheroff’s nine-year-old daughter Melody.

Schaefer’s behavior was hardly that of a remorseful man. According to reports, he made obscene gestures at photographers during his first court appearance.

Osheroff also said anything other than the verdict returned would have been “an abomination.” He called the decision “a no-brainer.”

Aaron suffered damage in the impact, as well. His right leg is gone below the knee, and his left was severely mangled in the impact. Extensive surgery was required to repair both the muscles and the skin, necessitating a number of tissue grafts from other parts of his body.

When asked about the verdict, Osheroff stated that he didn’t think Schaefer had demonstrated any remorse. He said he was glad of the verdict, and glad to have Schaefer out of his lives and off the streets. Currently, Osheroff’s priorities lie on rebuilding his family’s lives and making sure his surviving daughter has everything she needs.

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